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13th/18th Royal Hussars (13/18) 1
16 Air Assault Brigade 1
1st The Queens Dragoon Guards (QDG) 1
Adjutant Generals Corps (AGC) 3
Air Cadets 42
Army Air Corps (AAC) 1
Army Cadet Force (ACF) 6
Army Foundation College 1
Army Legal Services (ALS) 1
Black Watch, The 1
Blues and Royals, The (RHG/D) 1
Border Regiment, The 1
British Army, The 26
City of Edinburgh UOTC 1
Coldstream Guards, The (COLDM GDS) 1
Combined Cadet Force (CCF) 2
Duke of Edinburghs Royal Regiment, The (DERR) 1
Duke of Lancasters Regiment, The (LANCS) 2
Duke of Wellingtons (DUKES) 1
East Midlands UOTC 1
Essex Yeomanry (Signal Squadron) 1
Grenadier Guards, The (GREN GDS) 1
Honourable Artillery Company, The 1
Intelligence Corps, The (INT CORPS) 1
Irish Guards, The (IG) 1
Kings Own Royal Border Regiment (KORBR) 1
Kings Own Scottish Borderers (KOSB) 1
Life Guards, The (LG) 1
Light Dragoons, The (LD) 1
London Scottish, The 1
Manchester & Salford UOTC 1
Mercian Regiment, The (MERCIAN) 2
Ministry of Defence (MoD) 34
Northumbrian UOTC 1
Oxford University OTC (OUOTC) 1
Parachute Regiment, The (PARA) 2
Princess of Wales Royal Regiment, The (PWRR) 1
Queen Alexandras Royal Army Nursing Corps 1
Queen's Own Cameron Highlanders 1
Queen's Own Highlanders (QOHldrs) 1
Queens Lancashire Regiment, The (QLR) 1
Rifles, The (RIFLES) 1
Royal Air Force (RAF) 21
Royal Anglian Regiment, The (R ANG) 1
Royal Army Chaplains Department (RAChD) 1
Royal Army Medical Corps (RAMC) 1
Royal Army Physical Training Corps (RAPTC) 1
Royal Army Veterinary Corps (RAVC) 1
Royal Corps of Signals (R SIGS) 1
Royal Electrical & Mechanical Engineers (REME) 1
Royal Engineers, Corps of (RE) 1
Royal Horse Artillery (RHA) 1
Royal Logistics Corps, The (RLC) 1
Royal Marines (RM) 5
Royal Military Police (RMP) 1
Royal Navy (RN) 14
Royal Regiment of Artillery (RA) 1
Royal Regiment of Fusiliers, The (RRF) 1
Royal Regiment of Scotland, The (SCOTS) 2
Royal Regiment of Wales, The (RRW) 1
Royal Scots (The Royal Regiment) 1
Royal Scots Dragoon Guards, The (SCOTS DG) 1
Royal Tank Regiment, The (RTR) 1
Royal Welsh Regiment, The (R WELSH) 2
Scots Guards (SG) 2
Sea Cadets (SCC) 3
Southampton UOTC (SUOTC) 1
Special Air Service Regiment (SAS) 1
Special Boat Service (SBS) 1
Special Reconnaissance Regt (SRR) 1
University of London OTC (ULOTC) 1
University Officer Training Corps (UOTC) 1
Welsh Guards (WG) 1