Cloth Badges
Survival Aids offers one of the largest online ranges of British military badges and patches available. Our collection of TRFs, ZAP badges, Drop Zone patches, trade and specialist badges and cloth shoulder titles covers the British Army, Royal Air Force and Royal Navy. We also stock a wide range of British Army embroidered cap badges as well as name tapes and name badges - check out the full range below...
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16 Air Assault Brigade 1
Air Cadets 66
Army Air Corps (AAC) 1
Army Cadet Force (ACF) 35
Army Legal Services (ALS) 1
Blues and Royals, The (RHG/D) 1
British Army, The 57
Coldstream Guards, The (COLDM GDS) 1
Combined Cadet Force (CCF) 31
Duke of Edinburghs Royal Regiment, The (DERR) 1
Duke of Lancasters Regiment, The (LANCS) 2
Grenadier Guards, The (GREN GDS) 2
Hampshire Regiment 1
Household Calvalry Regiment (HCR), The 1
Irish Guards, The (IG) 3
Light Dragoons, The (LD) 1
Mercian Regiment, The (MERCIAN) 1
Military Provost Guard Service (MPGS) 1
Ministry of Defence (MoD) 4
Parachute Regiment, The (PARA) 6
Princess of Wales Royal Regiment, The (PWRR) 6
Rifles, The (RIFLES) 5
Royal Air Force (RAF) 17
Royal Anglian Regiment, The (R ANG) 3
Royal Army Medical Corps (RAMC) 1
Royal Army Veterinary Corps (RAVC) 2
Royal Corps of Signals (R SIGS) 6
Royal Electrical & Mechanical Engineers (REME) 4
Royal Engineers, Corps of (RE) 11
Royal Gurkha Rifles (RGR) 1
Royal Irish Regiment, The (R IRISH) 3
Royal Logistics Corps, The (RLC) 6
Royal Marines (RM) 7
Royal Military Police (RMP) 1
Royal Military School of Music (RMSM) 1
Royal Navy (RN) 14
Royal Regiment of Artillery (RA) 5
Royal Regiment of Fusiliers, The (RRF) 3
Royal Regiment of Scotland, The (SCOTS) 2
Royal Tank Regiment, The (RTR) 1
Royal Welsh Regiment, The (R WELSH) 1
Scots Guards (SG) 2
Sea Cadets (SCC) 12
Special Air Service Regiment (SAS) 6
Special Boat Service (SBS) 1
Special Reconnaissance Regt (SRR) 1
St. John Ambulance 5
Staff of the Army 1
United Nations 1
Welsh Guards (WG) 2
Yorkshire Regiment, The (YORKS) 1